*Admission by ticket only.
**Prior registration system (with certification of Handicapped) But the number of visitors might be limitted in the case of a lot of applications.The registration is going to start
in the other Web site (http://www.tokyo-motorshow.com/) from about the end of August.
***The ceremonies ( such as opening ceremonies ) will be held.
東京都江東区有明 3-11-1
いすゞブース 东1ホール
Tokyo Big Sight
3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo
「 国際展示場 」駅下車 徒歩約7分
「 国際展示場正門 」 駅下車 徒歩約3分
Rinkai line
Approx. 7 minutes' walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo Station
Approx. 3 minutes' walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon Station
*The parking lots in the Tokyo Big Sight area have limited capacity and we anticipate heavy congestion on the roads during the show period.
*We therefore encourage show visitors to make use of public transportation if at all possible.
Refer to the 44th Annual Tokyo Motor Show 2015 website for access details.